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Who are the source of all power,

Whose rays illuminate the world,

Illuminate also my heart

So that it too can do Your work.


Daily Horoscope- Saturday & Sunday- Saturn Day & Sun Day 
May 11-12, 2024
* All times are Atlantic Standard Time

Energetic Overview 


May is one of the loveliest months of the year! The planets are happy for the most part, and they're enjoying a Springtime garden party!

We begin the month with a celebration called Beltane. This is also known as Naked Gardening Day, aka May Day. This is a celebration marking the halfway point of the Spring season. Traditionally, people rose at dawn, collected flowers and green branches from the garden, and decorated the May Pole, their homes, and themselves. Beltane marks the return of vitality, passion, and hopes consummated. This is a fertility festival, honoring masculine and feminine sexuality to continue the cycle of life. This year, it's even more powerful because Venus is in her home chariot, Taurus, and Mars is in his home chariot, Aries! Honor the Divinity with yourself and loved ones, and give thanks!


We have a pretty active month ahead! Pluto is Stationing Retrograde in the early degrees of Aquarius. In September, Pluto will work his way back through Aquarius and re-enter Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes, remaining there until November. This is the final Capricornian review. Pluto will never return to Capricorn in our lifetimes! This will close out major cycles that began in 2008! Pluto re-enters Aquarius in December. For this month, we are going into review around Pluto in Aquarius, which started this past January! We have a phenomenal New Moon in Taurus on 5/7, which closes out Eclipse Season; thank Goodness! Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is with the New Moon, and the Moon is exalted in Taurus! This New Moon is also close to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction degree, so we get more news about what this conjunction has in store for us! We have Mother's Day on the 12th; take good care of your mom. Mercury will join the Taurus party, wrapping up its retrograde energy and a further wrap on the Eclipse vibes. The planets in Taurus will square Pluto and sextile Jupiter-Uranus as we go through the month. Gemini Season is right around the corner, starting on the 20th and this year, Gemini's have a special gift coming in! We have a powerful and insanely spectacular Sagittarius Full Moon! This Full Moon is delicious, unbelievably positive, and an ideal time to plan a fun event! On this Full Moon, we have Venus and Jupiter meeting in Taurus(these are the 2 benefics, and Venus the Lesser Benefic is in her home sign!) Venus sextiles Neptune then enters Gemini! Jupiter will then sextile Neptune and prepare to enter Gemini on 5/25! Gemini will remain in Gemini until 6/9/25! Gemini people, risings, and Gemini placements will get a special kiss from Jupiter! All of the Air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, all get special kisses from Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is considered in its detriment in Gemini, so he's a little debilitated, but I'll take it! Geminis are protected by Jupiter for the next year! Did I mention my birthday is 5/26?! I'm excited! My son's birthday is 5/30, so we both have a big year ahead! Virgos also get a magnificent boost with Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, and Jupiter is answering to Mercury. 

Enjoy this fun, energetic month! Take a class, plan a trip, and plan fun events with family and friends! Gemini energy can be scattered, so try to avoid taking on too many projects! Gemini is a Jack/Jackie of all trades! 


 Neptune is at the final degree of Pisces now and will remain on this degree from now until the beginning of September!! Neptune in Pisces is at 29*. This is not only the final degree of Pisces, but it's the final degree of the ENTIRE ZODIAC! As if that wasn't enough, this degree is also where the Fixed Star Scheat is located. This star is associated with boating, swimming, lifeguards, the Coast Guard, the Navy, drowning, floods, misfortune, suffering, love of languages, erratic, grief, jealousy, isolation, foot ailments, neuroses, creates own problems, and artistry. This makes for an incredibly intense time. Make mental health a priority! Anyone who struggles with addiction needs to double down now. 


This Weekend:

 There are no other big aspects this weekend. We celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday!

Happy Mother's Day!

We are also building up to the Sun's annual conjunction to Uranus early Monday morning! This energy is rebellious, radical, and innovative! We will feel this energy building all weekend! This energy can trigger volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and power outages. We also have a significant amount of solar flare energy over the next few days. This can trigger ringing in the ears, feeling dizzy, tired, and headaches. Take good care of yourself and stay well hydrated. 


Jupiter is conjunct with the Fixed Star Algol! This is called the demon star! Algol is the star of violence, misfortune, losing one's head, suffocation, fires, artistry, music, crisis, throat ailments, and neck injuries. Jupiter expands whatever it touches!

I DO NOT recommend drinking alcohol while Jupiter is conjunct with this FIxed Star! Algol rules over alcohol and allows spirit possessions to take hold! That's why alcohol is called spirits! Protect yourself and your energy. Jupiter is exactly conjunct with this star until 5/12, but I would give it a few more days until it's completely away from Algol! Jupiter will enter Gemini on 5/25! Having Neptune at the end of Pisces and Jupiter conjunct Algol, I recommend cutting back or cutting out all Alcohol or drugs during this time! We are more sensitive now. Practice good self-care!




It's a quiet day! The Moon in Cancer wants to stay home and regroup. We only have one aspect this afternoon. 


The Moon is in Cancer; the Moon in Cancer is sensitive, emotional, instinctual, sentimental, memory-retentive, nurturing, self-protective, family/mother/home-oriented.

The Moon is at home here, and she's so happy to be here!


Moon in Cancer squares Mars in Aires at 2:36 pm; avoid arguments and confrontations. This is contentious energy. One person is angry; the other is feeling highly sensitive. 



Happy Mother's Day!


We have a beautiful Cancer Moon all day today. Nurture yourself, and take good care of yourself, your home, and your family. 


Moon in Cancer sextiles Venus in Taurus at 3:57 am; the Moon and Venus are both in their home signs making a loving aspect. Enjoy!


Moon in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces at 7:11 am; the Moon and Saturn are flowing in harmony. 


Moon in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries at 2:13 pm; this is a highly sensitive aspect. Be gentle with yourself and others. Take a nap if you need to!


Moon in Cancer sextiles Sun in Taurus at 4:34 pm; another harmonious aspect. The Sun and Moon are working together.


Moon in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus at 5:29 pm; try something new. Do something different; shake things up!


Moon in Cancer sextiles Jupiter in Taurus at 12:52 am 5/13; this aspect is restorative and rejuvenating. Sweet dreams. 


Moon in Cancer squares Mercury in Aries at 12:56 am 5/13; pay attention to your dreams, we are wrapping up Mercury's Rx shadow.


Moon in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces at 5:13 am 5/13; this is a psychic intuitive aspect. 


The Moon goes void of course at 5:13 am on 5/13; it's a short void Moon. 


Sun in Taurus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus at 5:14 am on 5/13; 

This is an annual conjunction, but it's always powerful! We will feel this energy building all weekend! Sun-Uranus conjunctions are radical, rebellious, and disruptive and awaken us to a new understanding. This is a time when social unrest and spikes, storms are more powerful, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This aspect also signifies electrical disruptions; we know in the USVI that we have had several power outages recently lasting for several hours, so please be prepared for these inconveniences! Anxiety can heighten during this time as well. Just know that it may not be you having an anxiety attack, but it's the energy that is intense, and we are feeling it! This has helped me navigate any panic attacks and give myself some grace! This energy can make us feel impulsive, so look before you leap! This aspect can also help us with breaking bad habits; it can help us with opening our minds and thinking outside of the box!

This reactivates the New Moon energy and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction! Time to innovate!


The Moon enters Leo early Monday morning. 



This Week:



We close out Eclipse Season this week! YAY! It's a pretty quiet week overall. On Monday night, Mercury meets Chiron for the 3rd and final time. We have been working through this energy since March 19th, when we had the 1st conjunction; the 2nd was on 4/15, and the final one is on Tuesday. When Mercury and Chiron meet, we can feel angry, raw, and very emotional. Watch your words, and be gentle with yourself and others. We will feel this energy all day on Monday when we also have an all-day-long void Moon! Early Tuesday morning, we have a beautiful Sun-Saturn sextile. This energy is very strong and supportive. We have a glorious Taurus New Moon on Tuesday night! Tuesday is a lovely day, the Moon meets Venus and sextiles Saturn within the New Moon energy. This is one of the best New Moons of the year! The ruler of Taurus, Venus, is also in Taurus, bringing love and feel-good energies to us.  We celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and amazing mother figures! 




We are in the Dark Moon energy now. These are times when we can undo ourselves with our words and actions. 


Today is a total shit show. The Moon is void of course all day long. We are in the Dark Moon phase now, along with the final Mercury-Chiron conjunction late tonight. We will NEED to watch our words, avoid impulsive actions, and tend to our own soul wounds. Avoid confrontations, fights, and road rage. 


The Moon enters Taurus this evening and soon after squares Pluto, so it's a rocky day all around. 


Mercury conjuncts Chiron late tonight. Finally, we are wrapping up the Mercury Rx storyline. More Eclipse messages are coming through now. We could feel a breakthrough in energy something that we've been working to heal now. Please take good care of yourself, be gentle with yourself and others, avoid angry people, remember, mad is just sad's bodyguard. It's ok to ugly cry if you need to! 



Happy Taurus New Moon Day!

We have to wait until late tonight for this delicious New Moon energy, but today is lovely! The Moon conjuncts Venus and sextiles Saturn. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and the ruler of the New Moon is Venus, and she's in her home sign, Taurus! This is one of the BEST New Moons of the year! This New Moon also closes out the Eclipse Season; THANK GOODNESS!!! This IS the best New Moon for beginning new things, manifestations, and goal setting! 


The Moon is in Taurus all day.



We have a 2-toned day today. The Taurus New Moon energy continues and will activate the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction energy, fully activating it again! 


The Moon goes void of course this evening. It's a short void Moon.


The Moon enters Gemini later this evening. 




It's a quiet day. We only have one aspect from the Gemini Moon early this morning. 



The Moon is in Gemini for most of the day. 


The Moon goes void late tonight; it's a short void Moon. 


The Moon enters Cancer tonight. 



The Moon continues through Cancer today, and she's grumpy. 



Happy Mother's Day!


The Moon is in Cancer all day. It's a sweet day; celebrate your Mom or mother figures in your life. 


Mercury clears its Rx Shadow early tomorrow morning. 


Daily Oracle

Saturday & Sunday 05/11-12/2024


Raven- Magic

If Raven appears to you, you are about to experience a change in consciousness. Raven says that magic is in the air. Do not try to figure it out; you cannot. It is the power of the unknown at work, and something special is about to happen. The deeper mystery, however, is how you will respond to the sparkling synchronicity of this alchemical moment. Will you recognize it and use it to enhance your growth further? Can you accept it as a gift from the Great Spirit? Or will you limit the power of the Great Mystery by explaining it away?

It may be time to call Raven as a courier to carry an intention, some healing energy, a thought, or a message. Raven is the patron of smoke signals or spirit messages represented by smoke. So if you want to send a message to the Blue Road of spirit in order to contact the Ancients, call Raven. Or, who knows, the Ancients may be calling you.

Remember, this magic moment came from the void of darkness, and the challenge is to bring it to light. In doing so you will have honored the magician within.


Protect your energy with Feng Shui

If you are going out to run errands or to work, make sure to wear bright colors. Dark colors, especially black, tend to absorb energy. That's the last thing that we want to do right now! Red is a powerful and commanding color. It is also very protective. White is the color of purity. Green is the color of health and healing. If you are wearing blue, make it royal blue or light blue.  Purple is called the Feng Shui beige because it works to your benefit in most scenarios, being a higher octave of red.  

 Bedroom Feng Shui

I love the look of plants in the bedroom, but did you know that it is said that plants in the bedroom drain your energy? Humans are considered to be an Earth element. Plants are the Wood element. In the 5 Element theory, Wood drains Earth energy. As always, do what is best for you! Take a look at your energy levels; if you have plants, pictures of flowers, or even plant patterns on your bedsheets, maybe begin trading them out.

Bedrooms do best with neutral colors, earthy colors. 

Plants in Bedroom
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